What Roman Catholic has added into the Bible What are those invented dogmas and traditions?
What Roman Catholic has added into the Bible
What are those invented dogmas and traditions? Are they true or not
true? Have they come up as cardinal Ratzinger himself said, after a long
time of maturity and reflection, that is to say, they were not original truth,
but were made up? The years which elapsed confirm that. Where is the
truth that needs to be found? For sure it is only in God’s Word and
nowhere else. A Bible believing Christian belonging to the Church of the
living God is “... built upon the foundation ofthe apostles and prophets,
Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.” (Eph. 2: 20). Nothing
which the popes have invented in the course ofyears agrees with the Bible
and, therefore, is not apostolic. Why did Peter, James, John and Paul not
care about Mary, at that time when everything was so fresh?
The apostle John addressed a very important message to the true
believers which is valid for ever: “I have not written unto you because ye
know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is ofthe truth.”
(I Jn 2: 21). Not one of the proclaimed dogmas originates from the Word
of truth. They all sprang up from a different source.
Now the approximate year is given in which certain things were
invented and which were not in existence in the early Christianity:
310 The Sign of the cross began.
320 Wax candles were introduced.
375 The veneration of angels and dead saints began.
394 The worship of Mary was invented.
500 Priests began to dress differently from the people.
600 The Latin language for prayer and worship in churches was im
posed by Gregory I; prayers were directed to Mary or to dead
650 Feast in honour of the Virgin Mary began.
709 Kissing of the Pope’s feet began.
750 The temporal power of the Pope was invented.
788 Adoration of Mary and dead Saints began;
Worship of the Cross, of images and relics was invented.
850 Holy water, mixed with a pinch ofsalt and blessed by the priest with bell book and candle was invented.
890 Veneration of St. Joseph, the husband of Mary, began.
965 Baptism of bells was instituted.
995 Canonisation of dead Saints was first invented by Pope John V.
998 Fasting on Fridays and during Lent were imposed.
1079 The celibacy of the priesthood was decreed.
1090 The Rosary was introduced.
1100 The Mass was developed gradually as a sacrifice, and attendance
was made obligatory.
1184 The inquisition of heretics was instituted.
1190 The sale of indulgences began.
1200 The wafer was substituted for bread in the Lord’s Supper.
1215 The dogma ofTransubstantiation was invented and the confession
of sins to the priest at least once a year was forced.
1220 Adoration of the wafer, (host), was invented.
1227 The Hand Bell the priest uses at the Mass as a signal to the people
that the wafer is soon to be changed into the body of Christ was
1229 The Bible was forbidden to laymen.
1245 Cardinals were ordered to wear red hats.
1264 The Feast of Corpus Christ was introduced.
1414 The cup was forbidden to the people by instituting the communion
of one kind.
1439 The Doctrine of Purgatory was proclaimed.
1478 The Inquisition was introduced into Spain.
1545 Tradition was declared as of equal authority with the Bible.
1546 The Apocryphal Books were added to the Bible.
1854 The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary was invented
1870 Doctrine of Pope’s Infallibility was invented.
1925 The Personal Corporal Presence of the Virgin Mary in Heaven was
1950 The dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was proclaimed.
(L. J. King, House of Death . .., pg. 117-122). Every thinking man may ask about the sense of all these inventions
which were proclaimed after many years elapsed. The New Testament in
itself is perfect and complete. Nobody has a right to add anything to that.
“Brethren, I speak after the manner of men: Though it be but a man’s
covenant, yet ifit be confirmed, no man disannulleth or addeth to it. “(Gal.
3: 15). If someone declares his last will in a testament, it cannot be
changed. But with the expressed Will of God, the New Testament, men
have tried to change it by adding articles of faith which are not in the
original New Testament. Where is the due respect according to the
following admonition: “If any man shall add unto these things, God shall
add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.” (Rev. 22: 18).
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